Thursday, January 15, 2009

A Month In Review

It has been a long time since I have been on little bloggerville. There has been a lot that has happened. So I will give a quick update.

We had a great Christmas this year and was so much fun. The big thing this year was Nintendo DS, which Brayden has wanted ever since our visit to Arizona this summer seeing his cousin Carter have one. :) Sharlee's was a princess tricycle, she was so excited about. And then our big family gift was the trampoline, yipee! We have had so much fun with it.

Also in the month of December I was called to be the YW President. Yikes! I told myself and do school and take care of three children and just had a baby. Wow! But the Lord truly knows us and I am so grateful for his trust in me. I am so excited about it! :)

A New Year 2009:

Wow! What a year it has been already; we had Jon's parents fly into town on New's Years Day and Jon's brother Scott and his family come and stay with us for Luke's baby blessing. 12 people all under the same little 1095 sq. foot home. Crazy huh? Yes, but such a blast. We always have so much fun with Scott and Jen and their kiddos and it was such a treat to have mom and dad here with us. love you so.

So 2009, Jan. 4th we blessed Luke Steven Biggs and it was such a great day with friends and family. He is growing so quickly and has started to share his personality with us. He is full of gas and is having some difficulty with it, and it has been hard on me but we will get through.

Jan 20th Jon will start a new job! Yea! He will no longer be a contractor, he is now a federal employee and his under the government control. :) We are so happy, and it is such a blessing especially in this economy and the way it has shaped up for many people. WE are so grateful! So that's enough of us, Here are some pics of what we have been doing:


Corless Family

love all the pictures so cute!!! and sounds like you had fun holiday! so fun to end the holidays with Luke's blessings

The Mrs.

Sorry that Lukie has gas.
Where is that rope wing?
Did I ever mention to you how good you are lookin'


The Mrs.

swing. I meant swing.


All the Biggs boys on the couch look so alike. That is a cute picture. Your family is so cute. You still look amazing. You are not suppose to look like that after the 3rd kid. I love family get togethers.

Zukas Family

YW President! You will be great!!! You are so good with the girls and I know they will love you. What a wonderful family you have, and rope swinging! Nice. Something about having kids has made me so scared and probably unable to do things like that. You go girl!

Mindy Jo

I love this family! Little Miss Sharlee Kay is geting more and more gorgeous!! Love you dearly!


OH sweetie! first of all. YAY about YW's of course! and then ooh i love your family! congrats on a great job! what a beautiful family you have! I love you dearly! i know this year is going to be fabulous!

love all the photos! what a beautiful family!!!


You are going to be an awesome Y.W. president! I think the Bishop and the Lord, know exactly who the girls in your ward need... You! Good luck, you'll be great, and it is possible with a newborn. I got called as the Primary pres last dec just before hallie was born, and i could hear the congregation sigh :) It all works out though, especially with good counselors... just delegate A LOT! LOVE YA!

Harvey Family

What a cute family you have!


Yay!!! Congrats about Jon's new job. I hope he'll enjoy the new position.

Can't wait to have our game night. :D
