Saturday, February 14, 2009

To Jonathan:

You are the love of my life, my bestfriend, my everything. I am so happy to spend another Valentine's Day with you. On this special day I wanted to share with you the reasons why I love you so:


1) You are a great listener.
2) You always cheer me up when I am down.
3) You love me despite my stubborness. Is that a word?
4) You watch my favorite chick flick movies with me and my favorite TV shows. I love you for that.
5) You take care of the kids for me whenever I need a break to have a moment to my myself.
6) You support me in my goals and dreams.
7) You are such an amazing hardworker, and work so hard to provide for me and the kids. You are the best!
8) You are so smart and intelligent when I am not. :)
9) You love the lord and the gospel.
10) Top ten reason why I love you is; man you are an amazing kisser! :) I love you honey. Here's to another Valentine's Day with you. Thank you for being you.

Yours for eternity,

Thursday, February 12, 2009

I love 3 months!

Luke is 3 months old today! It is so hard to believe that he is at the stage of his life where smiles, coos, has a little personality, and has these moments of awake time where he lays and kicks his legs and is just happy. I love it! He is definitely reminding me a lot of Brayden boy, just that calm even tempered baby but then again he has a lot of Sharlee in the way that he demands your attention and loves to held all the time and wails at the top of his lungs. :) I love my sweet little Luke. Happy 3 months!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Health, Family, Trials

It seems like this month has been one thing after another. One sick child, then another and then another. One sick parent and then one injured parent. It is like this constant struggle and it seems like it is never ending. All in the same month we have had diarrhea, vomit, head injury, scarlet fever, strep throat, cough, sore throat, runny nose, fever, headache, pink eye, broncialitis, lack of sleep, energy, the list goes on. It has been one big trial and it is so easy to ask myself, "Why Me?" Why am I having to go through this trial right now?

It is hard to look sometimes on the bright side when you feel like you are battling with the impossible but that is just it, it isn't impossible and I can get through it and my children will get better but it is how I have learned to deal with it all in the process. I have really had to look inside myself this past month and rely more on my Heavenly Father than I have had to do in a long time. So what is the lesson in all of this? We are not alone, and despite the trials in life our heavenly father is always there for us if we but come unto him and rely on him. I can not rely on my own wisdom, and I can't do it alone. Eventhough this month has been hard dealing with illness, fatigue, and injury; I love my family and I am so grateful to have them by my side through these trials and challenges. And this to shall pass...