Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Blog Tag!

My dear sister-in-law tagged me with this fun blog tag. It was fun to do, so enjoy!
I had to take 10 pictures of the following things in my household. Whoever reads this, must complete the task. It is too fun!

1. Fridge: Gotta have Dr. Pepper in the fridge! :)

2. Sink:

3. Laundry Room: My amazing Front-loaders! :)

4. Favorite shoes: I have so many it was hard to choose, but these are some of my favorties.

5. Favorite place: I love my bed, it is extremely comfortable and all I want to do is sleep! :)

6. Closet: Chaotic! :)

7. Toliet: Nice and clean!

8: What your kids are doing right now? Brayden just got home from school and wanted to lay on the couch and watch Madagascar with little sis Sharlee Kay. :)

9. Self-Portrait: 7 months pregnant today! A little scary at the moment! :) I laughed so hard at myself.

10. Dream Vacation: Going to Hawaii with Jonathan! I have always wanted to go. :)



So, in your bed all you want to do is sleep?... Hmmmm, are you sure?


TK, this was so cute! I loved the photo of Brayden and Sharley. Do they really sit and watch tv like that together? My kids would be kicking eachother off the couch and wiggling to get more space and probably screaming and crying too. That photo is adorable!


how cute! you are soo dang cute! I LOVE the pic of you! so darling!
SO, i LOVE your bedspread! i don't think i have seen it! OH MY! i need to come over to your house!!!!
LOVE the front loaders too! LUCKY DUCK!!!

everything is soo beautiful! I don't know if i can do this. but i LOVED looking at yours! :O) we'll see if i can! love you tk!


sooo cute! Your house is cute... your kids are cute... YOU are cute... I could go on and on

Corless Family

you look great! so much fun. i will not be doing this because my house is not nearly so clean and i do not want to publish that!!!


It looks very very nice. So cute that pic of Brayden and Sharlee. I bet she misses him while he's at school.


That is a super fun tag!

Victoria and Mark

Wow! I will not be participating in this game. None of you will ever see our laundry room as we don't have one. Our washer and dryer sit up on stilts, literally, in the garage because a few times a years it floods here when we have down pour rains. Anyway, kudos to you for doing it.


How fun! Your bed DOES look comfy! And, again, your back splash rocks, and you do too mommy-to-be (again).

The Mrs.

You are HOT Tarakay and don't ever think otherwise!
Umm..yeah...I will not be participating in this as my house is not nearly as clean as your house is. I guess I could hurry and clean it and than take pics...maybe I should...Love you! Jamee